
Chat with our team to learn more or make a referral

Our team is available 9am – 8pm weekdays and 9am – 5pm on Saturdays. We are closed on Sundays and on public holidays.

Get in touch

Let the Partners in Wellbeing Wellbeing Coaching team know how they can help.

Partners in Wellbeing does not offer crisis or emergency support. If you or someone you care for needs immediate emergency support, please call 000 or Lifeline 13 11 14.

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We take your privacy seriously

All information collected by Partners in Wellbeing is used to support or improve the service. More details about how we use any information we collect is outlined in our privacy statement.

Working together and backed by experience

Our experienced staff use an evidence-based approach to provide support. We can also assist with access and navigation to Mental Health and Wellbeing Local and Hub Services, please contact us for more information.